Friday, July 12, 2013

Maybe I Don't Belong Here

Went to Crossfit at 0500. Ick. I was the only new person there, and for the first time in a REALLY long time, I have to admit I was a tiny bit intimidated. I was no where near the level these guys are (yes, the rest of the class was all guys), and I felt like a little lost puppy. For a fleeting moment, I thought I had made a mistake. I now get why some people feel like they have to be "in shape" before starting crossfit. It takes a lot to overcome that anxiety and feeling of inadequacy. Fortunately, I have gotten past that stage in life and am going to do what I need to do to get where I need to be. Worried about what other people think? Ain't nobody got time for that!

Amber made sure I wasn't left out and she helped me do what I needed for the WOD.  It was kind of "relaxed" as I rowed while everyone did their max high jump, and then I did max bench press (85lbs) and max dead lift (135lbs). I might have gotten 10 more lbs or so on the dead lift, but after learning how to do all that, I was damn exhausted. And sweaty. It was a good solid 50 minute workout. And it made getting up before the butt crack of dawn rewarding. I went home and had a breakfast of 3 eggs and a banana. Needless to say, two hours later I was hungry again so I got another egg an a couple of pieces of bacon. Mmmm bacon. :)

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