Two months ago, if you would have said to me I would make it run/walking a mile, I would have asked what you were on. However, today I made it, running a little over half of it. And that's after having not really done anything in almost 2 weeks. One day on on vacation we did go to D.C., the city where steps and walking were invented, so I got plenty of activity in, but that was the only day. And I only ate paleo-ish about half the time. So all in all, not too bad tonight for my first night back. Oh, and I really did miss crossfit and was ready to get back at it.
WOD, AMRAP in 30 min: (in layman's terms, do this sequence as many times as possible in 30 min)
1 mile
40 kettlebell swings
30 air squats
50 situps
300 single unders (I got to 150)
I also lost my mind sometime this week and decided to sign up for a couch to 5k training thing. So starting August 12th, I will be training to run/walk the 5k on October 5th on Mondays and Wednesdays, and going to crossfit Tuesdays and Thursdays, and maybe on another day, depending on how I feel. I'm also starting my whole 30 tomorrow, so I will be following those guidelines strictly for 30 days. That's the whole month of August. I'll post more frequently about what I'm eating to help keep on track. And since tomorrow is the 1st, I will weigh and measure, but I'm not expecting any significant changes since I was pretty much on vacation half the month.
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