Monday, August 26, 2013

Just 3 More Days?

Hard to believe but (since today's over), I only have 3 more days of my whole30. Sometimes it feels like it's been an eternity, but others I can't believe it's already almost over. While I won't be whole30 24/7 after this, I will definitely be taking all I learned about food and my body in general and keeping them in mind, applying the basic principals to the every day. I'll still be eating the same for about 90% of the time, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Emotionally, this is a hard week for me. It's approaching the one year anniversary of mom's passing and I see and hear things everywhere that remind me of her. Thankfully, I have great family and friends who are supportive and who are helping me stay strong through this. This is especially important as I have learned I am a partly emotional eater, and the sadness makes me want to eat very non-compliant foods.

Fitness wise, I am doing pretty well. Thursday I went to CrossFit and did well. It felt good, and once this couch to 5k is over, I think it's something I can do every day now. I could do it every morning now, but I'm not really a morning person, and I don't think there's anything that can really turn me into one. Here was Thursday's WOD:
7 Minute AMRAP….
-Clean and Jerk (135/95)
**Go up by 3 reps each round until time is called.**
3x5 Push Press (climbing)
I managed to do through 9 reps, and then 5 more on the clean and jerks. And I got up to 60 lbs on the push press Not bad for a newbie. 

Today, I did intervals again of run 1 min, walk 1 min. We did this for 1.75 miles. I have been taking it easy to prevent any further ankle injury. I have been taking it easy as not to further injure my ankle, but it felt great today. Just a tiny bit sore, but no pain. And cardiovascularly (not sure if that's really a word but I like it), I felt amazing. I know I can go for longer runs, as long as my ankle can take it. I'm looking forward to Wednesday's run. I might try the 2 min on 1 min off interval and see how that goes. 

Tomorrow I meet again with the woman who helped me get going down the right path. I haven't trained with her in a little over a month, but I'm excited to have a session where I can pick her brain and get advice on how to keep pushing and keep up this momentum. I'll write all about it tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2/3 Complete

This weekend was kind of rough because I am starting to get to the food boredom part of the Whole30. And I tend to run out of foods on Friday/Saturday, so that adds to the problem. My boss refers to me without food for too long as "Hangry" but I haven't truly felt aggravated by hunger in a week or so. I am looking for new things to explore. I have been having the occasional cup of coffee (black) so I made coconut milk to try in it. It was alright, but I'm more excited to try the almond milk I made today in it.

I was discussing balance on a facebook post and how I manage to stay focused. I neglected to mention it helps that I have realistic, attainable goals in stages. Also, I should have referred back to hitting that "wall" that I did a while back that finally made me snap out of it and focus and be able to do this. I have come so far, but feel as I learn more that I still have so far to go. What's that Socrates saying; "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"

Three months ago I never would have guessed that I would have made it 20 days with only good food. But here I am, going strong, and excited that I will do it. It hasn't been easy at all and I understand why some people quit when they're so close. It's that denial of the few things I want that I can't have occasionally (think good, grassfed cheeseburger...mmmm) that pushes you to that point. BUT, like the book says, IT'S ONLY 30 DAYS. And now it's only 10. :)

I feel the clothes hanging off of me, and I'm fitting into shirts and pants that I haven't in over a year, so I am anxious to see the inches I've lost. And the weight to an extent, but I don't expect a significant difference there since I am still building muscles. Speaking of exercise...

Monday I did 1.5 miles doing intervals of run a minute walk a minute. My ankle did pretty well, though it's not 100% and we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I was at work pretty late tonight (7 hours between lunch and dinner and I made it!) so I skipped the CrossFit to go home, eat, make more veggies and to rest. I'll go Thursday, and then run again on Friday.

Lunch is packed for tomorrow and ankle is done icing. Ibuprofen is kicking in, time to go to sleep (yes that's right, I'm a light weight and even advil can make me sleepy).

Friday, August 16, 2013

Over Halfway Done!

I have made it through day 16 of my Whole30! I am feeling awesome. I ate lunch around 11:30, and I wasn't really even hungry yet when I ate a pre-workout snack at 5. I am awaking more easily, and have consistent energy levels all day. I feel more productive and focused (which I'm sure I've said before, but this is a pretty amazing feeling). I am ready for sleep around the time I need to get to bed, and I am sleeping better. 

I've been wearing inserts in tennis shoes for the past two days, and my ankle is feeling better and better. I purchased some new inserts for my running shoes and will take it easy/rest until Monday, when it's back to running. Slowly, of course. Today I made it to CrossFit and got a good workout in. I'm starting to get to where if I don't do some kind of activity at least every other day, I feel bad, like I need to get moving. I'm off to bed soon, so here's what I endured today, and finished in 8:38 (with modification from the original WOD for me):

"Mr. Perfect"
20 Push Ups
2 Power Cleans
16 Push Ups
4 Power Cleans
12 Push Ups
6 Power Cleans
8 Push Ups
8 Power Cleans
4 Push Ups
10 Power Cleans

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm So Not a Runner

Monday started the couch to 5k. I made it half a mile jogging before I had to stop to allow my cardiovascular system to catch up. My legs and all were fine. Woke up Tuesday morning with my ankles slightly sore, right more so than my left (All my previous issues were with my left). Went to CrossFit, and took it easy on the jump roping, cause I still felt the ankle soreness.

Tuesday's CrossFit:
25 Thrusters (25 lbs for me!)
25 Toes to Bar (Knee Ups for me)
25 Box Jumps (Step Ups for me)
25 Toes to Bar
25 Thrusters
Max double unders in 2 min, x 3 attempts with 1 min rest between (this is where I took it easy)

Today I awoke and the left one felt completely normal, and the right one was still a bit sore. We did 2 minute on 1 minute off intervals running today. I made it through 3 2-minute intervals before I had to walk because my right ankle was killing me. My left was a tad sore, but not unbearable.

So now I'm sitting and icing my right ankle. The left one feels completely normal now, but I can't do a one-legged calf raise on the right one without pain. Good news is, I can do it and I still have my range of motion. But I know the pain is a bad sign. Friday I'm meeting with the running coach to re-evaluate my shoes and get new inserts. I need to do my PT exercises/stretches with both ankles since my left is now stronger than my right, go figure.

This is also day 14 of my Whole30 and at this point I'm feeling pretty awesome! Full of energy and able to focus better throughout the day. I still can't quite get into the habit of becoming a morning person, but I also think this has to do with all the working out I'm doing later at night. I'm kinda "endorphin high" until 9:30 or 10, so I don't fall asleep early enough. I need about 9 hours of sleep to rest and recover with all the activity I'm doing, so sleeping 11-4:30 isn't going to cut it. I'm slowly backing up sleepy time, though. I was out cold by 9:30 last night, and should be pretty close to that tonight. But, my clothes are getting looser by the day, and I'm curious to see my measurements on the first.

The home-made lara bars I made this weekend turned out pretty good. Not just to me, but also to my boyfriend, as evidenced by (fellow nurses will get that one) the rapid rate at which they are disappearing. I learned some tips for next time and will try them again, but I don't know that I can beat the price when you consider the time and cost to produce versus buying them (I saved maybe 30 cents a bar after 1.5 hours of making them). Well, it's time to take some Aleve for this ankle and go to sleep.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 11

Woke up early and made it to CrossFit Friday morning. I've been feeling pretty good all weekend. This is going to be a little brief since my genius self sliced my finger and I'm having a hard time typing. But, food is prepped for the week. Let the insanity ensue.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

1/4 Done

My quads/hamstrings/buns are killing me from Tuesday's workout, so I skipped today for more rest and will return to CrossFit tomorrow morning. Day 8 of the whole 30 is done and I'm feeling better and better. I'm making it between meals without being hungry, and not craving coworkers' fatty meals. I stayed up too late last night on the phone, and this morning I woke right up to the alarm without hitting snooze. Though I'm starting to feel tired and will call it an early night, I made it feeling awake and alert all day. According to the Whole30 timeline I will continue feeling this energy, but also cravings for the next week or so. Once I get to day 16, I should be pretty in the clear. So I'll take note of strange cravings I have and hopefully 8 days or less until the next phase, where I am supposed to go and enjoy it. :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

1/6th of the Way

The past few days, mainly day 3 and the first part of day 4, were spent feeling super lethargic. I was in bed for 8-9 hours a nigh, but tossed and turned. I felt slightly irritable.This apparently is normal, and would have lasted longer had I not previously cut a substantial amount of grains/dairy out of my diet. I did notice less in between meal cravings.

I managed to make it to my Saturday CrossFit on day 3. After that, I really didn't feel like doing anything. That WOD was a partner workout for time. Luckily, my partner was patient, and I didn't slow him down too bad. Basically, we split these reps:
1000m Row, (500m each)
400 Double unders (I did 200 singles)
300 HR Push ups (Yeah...I did 40 from my knees)
150 KBS, 70/53 (yes I did 75!)
100 Pull ups (I did my 50!)

Thankfully today, day 5, I did pretty well. I ate breakfast around 8 (I found some new breakfast ideas I can't wait to try out), then I was hungry around 10:30 and ate a few almonds. At 12 I ate lunch, and then I was not hungry until around 5:30. I had a few things to take care of when I got home so I actually didn't wind up eating until around 7, but I made it without wanting to murder anyone! 

Tomorrow evening I go back to CrossFit (I thought about going today, but my arms are still soooo sore...). I have already prepared meals for most of the week. I'm starting to feel a little tired now, so I'm hoping I'll fall asleep fast and sleep well. I keep telling myself this is only 30 days (now 24!), and it'll be over before I know it. This has helped, especially when my coworker decides to eat his lunch at his desk and all I can smell is that deliciously fatty fast food cheeseburger that I can't have.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Only Day 2? Really?

Before I get into today, I forgot to post yesterday, which was the 1st and therefore weigh and measure day, that despite the near half a month of vacation and lack of activity, I did not gain weight or inches back. In fact, I lost one inch around my waist.

Today I was still hungry most of the day, but was able to make it between meals with no snacks. And now that it's later, I'm really tired, which I'm not sure if that's a result from a long week with getting back into activity, or adjusting to the dietary changes. As usual, I'm going to to with a little of both. It's amazing how just a week of eating "not too bad" can set you back. I'm hoping that in a few days I will have readjusted and be over the hunger/lethargy.

Today's meals:
Breakfast: 3 Scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, carrots, a banana
Lunch: Turkey Spaghetti with Zucchini noodles, squash, green beans, strawberries, black olives
Dinner: Turkey Spaghetti with Zucchini noodles (finishing off the leftovers), 1 sm tilapia filet, broccoli/carrot/pepper mix, cashews, black olives

I planned on cleaning the house, but I'm going to watch a movie and then head to bed before 9 like an old person. Hopefully I then wake up rejuvenated because I'll be off to a 9am CrossFit session.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

1 Down, 30 To Go

I have been hungry ALL DAY. I'm not sure if it's the result of the intense workout from last night, or a mental trick my mind is playing since I'm only supposed to have 3 meals a day. I'm going to go with a little of both. I am guessing I probably did not eat enough to make it between meals, but I did come prepared with Whole30 approved snacks to get me through until the next one. Tomorrow I focus on no snacking, but for day one, not so bad.

Breakfast: 2 Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Grapes
Snack: Piece of Bacon, Almonds
Lunch: Zucchini Noodles with Turkey Spaghetti, Salad and Black Olives
Snack: Pistachios and Almonds
Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Salad, Carrots, Black Olives

Tomorrow I increase the portion of protein/fats with each meal and a few more veggies, and see if that helps.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Going Crazy

Two months ago, if you would have said to me I would make it run/walking a mile, I would have asked what you were on. However, today I made it, running a little over half of it. And that's after having not really done anything in almost 2 weeks. One day on on vacation we did go to D.C., the city where steps and walking were invented, so I got plenty of activity in, but that was the only day. And I only ate paleo-ish about half the time. So all in all, not too bad tonight for my first night back. Oh, and I really did miss crossfit and was ready to get back at it.

WOD, AMRAP in 30 min: (in layman's terms, do this sequence as many times as possible in 30 min)
1 mile
40 kettlebell swings
30 air squats
50 situps
300 single unders (I got to 150)

I also lost my mind sometime this week and decided to sign up for a couch to 5k training thing. So starting August 12th, I will be training to run/walk the 5k on October 5th on Mondays and Wednesdays, and going to crossfit Tuesdays and Thursdays, and maybe on another day, depending on how I feel. I'm also starting my whole 30 tomorrow, so I will be following those guidelines strictly for 30 days. That's the whole month of August. I'll post more frequently about what I'm eating to help keep on track. And since tomorrow is the 1st, I will weigh and measure, but I'm not expecting any significant changes since I was pretty much on vacation half the month.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It Hurts So Good

Went to Applebee's for lunch today. I wanted the appetizer trio with all kinds of badness on it (mmmm), but I resisted and ordered a sirloin with vegetables. Thirty minutes later, just before we were about to walk out, arrives the food; some cut of meat thing that looked and tasted nothing like a sirloin, and two raw stalks of broccoli. Seriously, it took them 30 minutes to make the worst tasting piece of meat ever? (And I don't know how you screw up raw broccoli, but they did).

On top of being slow to get food, it was slow to get the waiter's attention and get a check. My co-worker's salad was also kinda crappy, but edible. Since it was going on an hour and we had to get back to work for some meetings, she took care of the bills and I ran to get the only thing I knew I could get quickly and eat; a McDonald's cheeseburger. I couldn't really tell you what it tasted like I ate it so fast, but I do know that it made my stomach a bit blah later. Also, I regretted it after I realized our cafeteria was doing taco salads today, one of the only things I will eat from there.

Anyway, after consuming that crap for lunch, I dragged my sore butt to crossfit. I must admit, I debated going tomorrow instead, but if I'm going to make it into that red dress, I need to go as much as is healthy for adequate recovery. Right now that's 3 days a week, and I honestly wasn't THAT sore; I didn't need handicap stalls. :) So today's torture, er, WOD consisted of:

8 Hollow Body Holds (I just did the leg part, which was enough)
1. 5x5 Ring Dips, rest 2 minutes then compete 1 set of failure (Failure set will be recorded)
      Here, I could do 3 at a time with a red band to assist, so I did 6 sets of 3
2. Max Unbroken Double Unders (3 attempts)
      I somehow managed to do one!! Just one and probably a fluke, but it was cool.
3. MAX Calorie Row in 6 minutes
     I got up to 73, which while second to last wasn't the least AND I was right on par with others who are in much better shape than I. They were getting 81/74/78

All in all, a good day. Have to drag myself out of bed for a 0500 or 0600 on Friday since I won't have time after work. But tomorrow, I'm sleeping in until 0700 :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm Not the Fattest Kid at Camp After All

Since I had a late night last night, I skipped the 0500 workout today and went to the 1930 (7:30pm) class, taught by a different instructor. Initially, I was the only newbie, but when everyone else showed up too, I was with 2 other pieces of fresh meat, one of them on his first day. Maybe I'm just not a morning person, or maybe I was in a different mood, but the atmosphere in this class seemed really cool and fitting for me. The other members were more talkative, but again, I will attribute this to the time of day and not the people.

The WOD was modified for us newbs, and for me all reps cut in half as not to overstress my ankle. It was great how the instructor was able to individualize the workout for everyone and kept watch to make sure we were doing things correctly. I really enjoy the atmosphere of team sports where everyone is doing the same thing, but at slightly different paces, and while you maybe competing against each other, you're really competing against yourself. I have missed competing in things, and even if I never get to a competition, this gives me not only myself to compete against, but also others who are on my level.

My workout that was to be completed in 20 minutes or less consisted of:
25 Wall Balls
25 Singles (jump rope)
40 Step ups (instead of box jumps)
20 Knee ups (can't get toes to bar)
15 Burpees (now I get why people HATE these)
15 Jump Ups (cause at this point he knew I'd be too tired to do a full pull up)

I managed to complete it with just over a minute to spare, but I was exhausted. Every time I think I can't get any sweatier from a workout, I am proven wrong. So I'm not going to say "I had more sweat than ever" because you would be reading that on EVERY entry. So, I'll just say when it's not so sweaty...if that ever happens.

On an ankle note, I forgot my brace today. But I also had on my brand new Mizuno Inspire 9 shoes. They are amazing. A mid support show with adequate balance to do all those squats without tipping over, and apparently their really great for running, too, though we know how much of that I plan on doing. :)  I liked my Brooks that I wore to death before these, but I think I love these. Especially because after all that (jump roping and all) I have NO ankle pain. A slight bit of soreness from using some muscles in there that I haven't in a while, but no throbbing/stabbing/shooting/burning pain. And on that note, Focker out...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Maybe I Don't Belong Here

Went to Crossfit at 0500. Ick. I was the only new person there, and for the first time in a REALLY long time, I have to admit I was a tiny bit intimidated. I was no where near the level these guys are (yes, the rest of the class was all guys), and I felt like a little lost puppy. For a fleeting moment, I thought I had made a mistake. I now get why some people feel like they have to be "in shape" before starting crossfit. It takes a lot to overcome that anxiety and feeling of inadequacy. Fortunately, I have gotten past that stage in life and am going to do what I need to do to get where I need to be. Worried about what other people think? Ain't nobody got time for that!

Amber made sure I wasn't left out and she helped me do what I needed for the WOD.  It was kind of "relaxed" as I rowed while everyone did their max high jump, and then I did max bench press (85lbs) and max dead lift (135lbs). I might have gotten 10 more lbs or so on the dead lift, but after learning how to do all that, I was damn exhausted. And sweaty. It was a good solid 50 minute workout. And it made getting up before the butt crack of dawn rewarding. I went home and had a breakfast of 3 eggs and a banana. Needless to say, two hours later I was hungry again so I got another egg an a couple of pieces of bacon. Mmmm bacon. :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Back on Track

After two solid days of eating 100% paleo again, I feel fantastic again. I was surprised at how quickly I recovered from the crap-filled weekend. I was even more surprised when a co-worker I hadn't seen in a month said "Look at you getting all skinny" because I felt like a real heifer for a few days after that vacation. For the next one, I will be making a WAY bigger effort to stick paleo as much as possible.

Today's workout with Amber consisted of learning the "snatch" one of the basic moves of CrossFit (I'll admit, it makes me snicker every time I hear that word). Then I rowed for 6 minutes straight, which wound up being just shy of 1200 meters. Speaking of crazy names and lingo, I think it might take me some time to adjust to the verb-age these CrossFitters use. But I did find a good resource to start understanding. It even goes over what all these people I keep seeing are. I mean, let's face it, "today I did Cindy and yesterday I did Murph" just doesn't sound right.

Guide to CrossFit Lingo

Being a big fan of scientific research and evidence-based practice (and I mean REAL research, that is done properly), I tend to find articles that are of interest to my nerd side. One such article is this one, where a Harvard doctor tells us not to drink milk. Honestly, other than the prestige of being a
"Harvard" doctor, I don't see where he's got a whole lot of grounds to this other than common sense and basic knowledge of human metabolism and hormones, it was an interesting find to me. Also, I don't think Yahoo! Shine is the most reputable publisher, but you know, sometimes the National Enquirer is right. Sometimes.

Harvard Doctor Milk Article

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Intro to Crossfit

Had my intro at the CrossFit gym today. Same basic workout I did day one with Amber, but I did more. 500m row, 30 situps, 20 squats, 15 pushups, 10 pullups. I would hardly count the last two pullups as they were not great, but all that took me 6:30. This is not bad. I'll start going MWF at 0500. But first we will see if I feel like I need the handicap stall again tomorrow...

Monday, July 8, 2013


Well, went on vacation and ate like crap. Some out of necessity, but some of my own choosing. So now I feel like crap. I got back this afternoon, met my trainer and worked out pretty intensely with 7 rounds of rowing 200m, 15situps, 10pushups and 10 squats (which cut down to 5 the last 2 rounds...). Needless to say, I'm exhausted and not even worried about unpacking. Going to dinner and grocery shopping and then bed by 9.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In The Beginning

Forewarning: This first post is lengthy and may at times seem jumbled but as it's my blog, I don't care :)

I do not care how much I weigh. I care about being healthy and how I feel. That being said, I take numbers and measurements of my body for reference,  and by default, being truly healthy leads to looking hot in a bikini on the beach. I know everyone defines health in a different way, but it is a combination of things. My definition of being healthy falls pretty close to Mr.  Webster’s:
1: enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well
2: evincing health <a healthy complexion>
3: conducive to health
4: a: prosperous, flourishing
    b: not small of feeble: considerable

Most people miss the mind and spirit part. A few years ago, my mind was not in a healthy place, so much so to where I didn’t even see where the body and spirit were in bad shape. I knew I was fat and out of shape, but my mind wasn’t healthy enough to deal with things, and so I just kind of ignored it. I didn’t care that I felt like crap and had no energy, or that I had doubled size since high school. 

One day, about three years ago, I just kind of “woke up.” You hear stories all the time about people who have epiphanies that get them going to get in shape, and they often have a specific instance or example of what and when that was. For me, it wasn’t a certain thing, but a combination of things. Things that had come up before, but instead of doing anything about it, I just say there and cried: My boyfriend no longer truly found me physically attractive. My size 16s were getting tight. I saw a college graduation photo and looked huge. The thought of me in a swim suit was disgusting. I couldn’t make it up a flight of stairs without being winded. I stepped on the scale and saw 220.

So I started watching what and how much I was eating. I started doing more physical activity. I also worked as a nurse on a floor where I rarely got to sit down, let alone eat, other than when charting. Though arguably not the healthiest of ways, I dropped down to 190. I was starting to fit pretty well into size 14s and some 12s. I felt better, but still not great. Still not healthy in the mind, body AND spirit.

I FINALLY got a job in my city, where I didn’t have to commute an hour+ each way, worked my way up to a little more money and decided I needed to get a personal trainer. So in June 2012, right after my 28th birthday, I started seeing a trainer that I went to high school with. The goal here was to get healthy and fit enough to feel confident as Jessica Rabbit for Halloween, which requires a pretty toned and fit bod to pull off. I didn’t have a lot of extra money, so I was only able to see her every two weeks, but took what we did and did work outs on my own at home. My measurements then  (again for reference) were:
Chest: 46
Waist: 30
Hips: 47
Thighs: L(26.5) R (26.5)
Arms: L(13) R (13.5)
189 lbs

I saw improvement in muscle tone and strength, decreased fat, but never really took any measurements or weight as I wanted a good two months of and managed to keep working on training aggressively until July when I thought I sprained my ankle. I took a few weeks off to let it heal, and then got back at it in August. I was supposed to meet my trainer on August 30th, but due to a hurricane that week, we cancelled. The next day, August 31, 2012, I unexpectedly lost my mom.

Those around me would comment about how strong I was or how well I handled it. In some ways, they are correct. I took care of what needed to be done; I handled my mom’s stuff, I focused on my school work, went to work and worked hard on a project I had recently been assigned to take part in, and they probably only saw me cry a couple of times. The reality is, I was not completely healthy and so I lost that mental “it” that I had found earlier to give me the drive to get healthy. This led to me being even more unhealthy. I no longer cared too much about what I was eating or how much. I stopped exercising and working out. The 14s stopped fitting, I went back to the 16s. Those started to get tight again. But still, I didn’t pay attention to what I was eating or how much.

Meanwhile, my ankle kept hurting more, to where I could hardly walk. September 2012 I discovered I didn’t sprain my ankle; I had tendonitis in one tendon, and it had a small tear in it. So I had physical therapy, a brace, and shoe inserts. When that didn’t help, I was given the option of tendon replacement (which was advised against at this age) or being placed in a cast for six weeks. Naturally I went with the cast, which finally came off March 8th. The tear had healed, but there was still some minor inflammation and occasional pain. I was told that if the inflammation and tendon did not heal naturally over time, the only other options were re-casting or surgery.

It was at this time, around the end of March, that I finally came out of the “depressed” part of grieving (as I have no other way to describe it). Though I wish I could change things and bring her back, losing my mom helped me grow in my mind and spirit. It changed a lot of the ways I look at things and gave me a new perspective. I decided I had to get back on track, and would have to learn to make that dress because that’s how mom would want it. Not accomplishing goals I set or things I wanted to do in life would piss her off; she was fond of saying to go after what you really want and be happy because you never know what will happen. I stopped feeling sorry for myself. I decided that my intermittent ankle pain and inflammation was not going to stop me from being healthy, and that I was going to find a way to get in shape and possibly help my ankle by strengthening the rest of me.

April 1 I weighed in at 212lbs. I joined the Y and began water aerobics, low impact cardio (elliptical, bike) and weights on the machines. I started feeling better. Mentally, I was in the best place I had been in a looooong time. I decided to start making changes to my diet to help my body be healthy and recover. I slowly cut out “crap” as I call it; candy, chocolate, “snacks,” chips, pretzels, cookies. You know, all the good stuff. In May,I cut out a lot of breads; I started eating a lot of fruit and vegetables had an occasional yogurt, and usually had an organic oatmeal for breakfast. In the evenings I might have some whole wheat spaghetti, or some rice with stir-fry (made with soy sauce). I also gave up soda, which I used to drink like water.

For the next few weeks of May, I felt like dead crap. I was tired all the time, I had no energy, and I had to cut back on the workouts just to have energy enough to get to work. If I pushed too hard, I would go to sleep at 6pm and wake up at 7am. Finally, by the end of the month, I was starting to feel normal again. I could do 3-4 days a week working out, work and be okay. Not great, but okay. I decided I was time to step it up again, and I was referred to a training facility by a friend (My previous trainer was about an hour away, and I was now working a different schedule, so I needed someone close that I could see once a week).

Thursday June 6, I met with Amber, and we went over my goals and what I wanted. She convinced me to come twice a week for 30 min instead of once a week for an hour. She made some recommendations to cut out all grains and dairy, and to read this book, “It Starts with Food.” The grains and dairy thing seemed a bit out there, but I decided I would look into it. I also bought the book the next day after reading some reviews. Once I started reading it, I was done by the end of the weekend. What I’m about to say sounds very cliché, but the authors are right: that book will change your life.

I decided to follow the Whole30 recommendations, though not actually do a whole 30 because I knew that would be impossible having just bought some groceries at the store that were on the no-no list. But I did resolve to cut the really bad things like MSG (not that I ate too much of them) and to not eat grains and dairy as much as possible. (This included making my own soy sauce substitute for with coconut aminos for stir-fry, which was delicious).

The morning of Monday 6/10 I weighed in at 206. Measurements I took were:
Hips 47.5
Waist 33.5
Thighs R(29) L(29.5)
I met with Amber for our first session that afternoon. Turns out, training with her was just like doing one-on -one CrossFit, which I had never heard of before and will talk more about later. We went over some basic movements, then did the basic workout as fast as I could. This consisted of rowing 200 meters, doing 20 butt to the ground squats, 30 situps, 15 pushups and 10 ring rows. (Note: the ring row/push up numbers may be reversed; I was really starting to lose it at that point).  Probably solely due to the fact that I had been doing some activity, I did all that in 6:01. I have NEVER felt so out of shape in my life! My heart was racing and I couldn’t get enough air. It took me ten minutes to recover. And by recover I mean be able to speak and get my heart rate below 100; it was a good 20 minutes before I felt “okay” again. I left feeling slightly sore and soaked in sweat, but accomplished.

The next day, I woke up pretty sore. By that afternoon, I was the most sore I have ever been in my life. I found myself going to the handicap stalls to use the rail in the bathroom because there was no other way I was getting up and down from that toilet without it. I kept to the Whole30 pretty well this first week, except for using a tsp of dressing that had soy in it (one if the items I had just bought). The soreness was still there when I (some would argue stupidly lol) returned for more on Thursday. I had a mild sore throat, but I sucked it up.

The next week I was still with a sore throat, but I went Monday anyway. Wednesday I had to leave work a bit early, and I cancelled for Thursday. I still tried to follow the Whole30, but had to have some sprite and crackers to keep the drugs down to go to work. Thankfully, whatever it was passed quickly and by Saturday I felt better than I had in a long time.

The next session we repeated the workout from day 1 and much to my surprise, I had cut a minute and a half off of my time. I was feeling better and better. I started noticing the signals that my body was sending my about food, and recognizing when I was hungry or not. By the end of this third week, I was eating 3 good meals a day, and that was sustaining me.

Monday July 1st marked the 3 full weeks since following the Whole30/Paleo diet most of the time, and since I started seeing Amber. I wasn’t sure how much/if any weight I had lost, but I knew I had lost some inches some places. My 14s were becoming loose on me, and several co-workers had made remarks like “Have you been losing weight?” because my pants were getting saggy in the thighs/butt/hips, where they were tight before. But more importantly, I felt great! I began awakening with the alarm, (sometimes even just before) with energy and ready to do things. No longer was I fighting the snooze button or feeling like I didn’t sleep all night. I was well rested and ready to go. And, for the first time that I can remember, I started waking up HUNGRY.

I plan on weighing/measuring on the 1st of every month so for July 1st, here’s what I got:
Chest: 36
Hips: 46
Waist: 32.5
Thighs R(28) L(28.5)

So the point? This whole CrossFit thing combined with a Paleo diet is not only producing fast results physically, but I as a whole FEEL better. So far (I realize I’m only 3.5 weeks in), I am handling stress better and am definitely in a better mental, physical and spiritual place. I do not feel as “up and down” throughout the day, or sluggish in the afternoon (which is how I have the energy to focus and write all this after a long day). I am pretty productive most of the time, and when it hits 9 or 10 at night, my body is ready for bed. I pass out and wake up feeling refreshed.

Occasionally I crave a candy bar or the cake that the patient brought for the nurses, but 99% of the time, I turn it down because I know the negative effects it will have on my health. That’s not to say I don’t ever indulge, but even when I have it has been a few bites of whatever. Literally, I had some cold stone the other night and ate 7 or 8 bites max before I felt my body saying I had too much sugar.

One thing I have seen out there is that “CrossFit causes injuries.” I have looked around the interwebs, reviewed both sides of the argument and came to the conclusion that if done improperly with inadequate supervision, than it could lead to injury. So can a lot of things, however, and there is some personal responsibility there to do your research. Ask yourself some questions. Is your trainer/coach certified AND knowledgeable? Do they really grasp the concepts and movements, or are they trying to get you to do as much as you can as fast as you can? Do you know how much your true max is? Are you doing things with the correct form? If not, is there someone who is going to correct you and be watching you?

You also have to know your body and your limits. My ankle actually does not hurt. At all. I give most of this credit to the diet, but surely if I was doing something wrong, I would definitely feel it on me weak ankle. Also, while I felt really sore the first week, my body has adjusted and I do not hurt anywhere at all. I also know that if I’m told to do an exercise with x amount of reps in x amount of time, I’m not going to pick the heaviest weight I can handle. I’m going to pick a lighter weight so I don’t tire myself out in the first 10 reps out of 25. As your muscles get fatigued and tired, you get sloppy and lose good form. And that’s when you get hurt, no matter what you’re doing.