Monday started the couch to 5k. I made it half a mile jogging before I had to stop to allow my cardiovascular system to catch up. My legs and all were fine. Woke up Tuesday morning with my ankles slightly sore, right more so than my left (All my previous issues were with my left). Went to CrossFit, and took it easy on the jump roping, cause I still felt the ankle soreness.
Tuesday's CrossFit:
25 Thrusters (25 lbs for me!)
25 Toes to Bar (Knee Ups for me)
25 Box Jumps (Step Ups for me)
25 Toes to Bar
25 Thrusters
Max double unders in 2 min, x 3 attempts with 1 min rest between (this is where I took it easy)
Today I awoke and the left one felt completely normal, and the right one was still a bit sore. We did 2 minute on 1 minute off intervals running today. I made it through 3 2-minute intervals before I had to walk because my right ankle was killing me. My left was a tad sore, but not unbearable.
So now I'm sitting and icing my right ankle. The left one feels completely normal now, but I can't do a one-legged calf raise on the right one without pain. Good news is, I can do it and I still have my range of motion. But I know the pain is a bad sign. Friday I'm meeting with the running coach to re-evaluate my shoes and get new inserts. I need to do my PT exercises/stretches with both ankles since my left is now stronger than my right, go figure.
This is also day 14 of my Whole30 and at this point I'm feeling pretty awesome! Full of energy and able to focus better throughout the day. I still can't quite get into the habit of becoming a morning person, but I also think this has to do with all the working out I'm doing later at night. I'm kinda "endorphin high" until 9:30 or 10, so I don't fall asleep early enough. I need about 9 hours of sleep to rest and recover with all the activity I'm doing, so sleeping 11-4:30 isn't going to cut it. I'm slowly backing up sleepy time, though. I was out cold by 9:30 last night, and should be pretty close to that tonight. But, my clothes are getting looser by the day, and I'm curious to see my measurements on the first.
The home-made lara bars I made this weekend turned out pretty good. Not just to me, but also to my boyfriend, as evidenced by (fellow nurses will get that one) the rapid rate at which they are disappearing. I learned some tips for next time and will try them again, but I don't know that I can beat the price when you consider the time and cost to produce versus buying them (I saved maybe 30 cents a bar after 1.5 hours of making them). Well, it's time to take some Aleve for this ankle and go to sleep.
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