Monday, August 26, 2013

Just 3 More Days?

Hard to believe but (since today's over), I only have 3 more days of my whole30. Sometimes it feels like it's been an eternity, but others I can't believe it's already almost over. While I won't be whole30 24/7 after this, I will definitely be taking all I learned about food and my body in general and keeping them in mind, applying the basic principals to the every day. I'll still be eating the same for about 90% of the time, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Emotionally, this is a hard week for me. It's approaching the one year anniversary of mom's passing and I see and hear things everywhere that remind me of her. Thankfully, I have great family and friends who are supportive and who are helping me stay strong through this. This is especially important as I have learned I am a partly emotional eater, and the sadness makes me want to eat very non-compliant foods.

Fitness wise, I am doing pretty well. Thursday I went to CrossFit and did well. It felt good, and once this couch to 5k is over, I think it's something I can do every day now. I could do it every morning now, but I'm not really a morning person, and I don't think there's anything that can really turn me into one. Here was Thursday's WOD:
7 Minute AMRAP….
-Clean and Jerk (135/95)
**Go up by 3 reps each round until time is called.**
3x5 Push Press (climbing)
I managed to do through 9 reps, and then 5 more on the clean and jerks. And I got up to 60 lbs on the push press Not bad for a newbie. 

Today, I did intervals again of run 1 min, walk 1 min. We did this for 1.75 miles. I have been taking it easy to prevent any further ankle injury. I have been taking it easy as not to further injure my ankle, but it felt great today. Just a tiny bit sore, but no pain. And cardiovascularly (not sure if that's really a word but I like it), I felt amazing. I know I can go for longer runs, as long as my ankle can take it. I'm looking forward to Wednesday's run. I might try the 2 min on 1 min off interval and see how that goes. 

Tomorrow I meet again with the woman who helped me get going down the right path. I haven't trained with her in a little over a month, but I'm excited to have a session where I can pick her brain and get advice on how to keep pushing and keep up this momentum. I'll write all about it tomorrow. :)

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